Story continued from Heroes Reborn: Heroes the Return #4. One year ago the greatest heroes in the Marvel Universe, the Avengers and Fantastic Four, fought the mutant menace known as Onslaught and were sucked into an alternate universe. They escaped. However, the Odinson and the nefarious Victor Von Doom did not make the trip home. At least at first. This is the tale of the secret odyssey of Thor and Doctor Doom. It is a tale of bravery, sacrifice, and ultimately...betrayal.
Story continued from Heroes Reborn: Heroes the Return #4. One year ago the greatest heroes in the Marvel Universe, the Avengers and Fantastic Four, fought the mutant menace known as Onslaught and were sucked into an alternate universe. They escaped. However, the Odinson and the nefarious Victor Von Doom did not make the trip home. At least at first. This is the tale of the secret odyssey of Thor and Doctor Doom. It is a tale of bravery, sacrifice, and ultimately...betrayal.